January 2020 Newsletter

January 2020 Newsletter

In This Issue Treating Diabetes with Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine Get Relief from Diabetes-Related Nerve Damage Manage Glucose with an Oriental Medicine Diet Treatment for Diabetes Related Skin Conditions Managing Diabetes with Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine...
January 2020 Newsletter

December 2019 Newsletter

In This Issue Acupuncture for Sinusitis Relief Self-Care for Headache Relief Study Finds Acupuncture Reduces Frequency of Migraines Reduce Migraine and Headache Pain with Acupuncture Study finds Acupuncture Effective for Episodic Migraines Acupuncture for Sinusitis...
January 2020 Newsletter

November 2019 Newsletter

In This Issue Treating Autoimmune Diseases with Acupuncture Relief from Addison’s Disease Symptoms Study Finds Acupuncture Effective for Systemic Lupus Pain Get Raynaud’s Syndrome Symptom Relief 7 Nutrients to Support the Immune System Treating Autoimmune...
January 2020 Newsletter

July 2019 Newsletter

Get Chronic Pain Syndrome Relief There are 100 million Americans experiencing chronic pain, of which 25 million have chronic pain syndrome. While pain is a perfectly normal reaction to certain events, when it persists for over 12 weeks and additional debilitating...
June 2019 Newsletter

June 2019 Newsletter

Chronic Cough? Find Relief with Acupuncture Any cough persisting for more than 8 weeks in adults, or more than 4 weeks for children, is considered chronic. A chronic cough is more than just a nuisance; it can cause serious disruptions to your health. Coughing attacks...